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About project



  Project Reference    Duration of Project    Key Action
101083224-ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-LS Start: 15-01-2023 – End: 14-01-2026 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
EU Grant Programme Action Type
  655 365 EUR    Erasmus+ Capacity Building in higher education


INMACOM is a national project whose goal is to train a new generation of engineers capable of performing engineering work and solving modern technological problems in the field of ICT in Uzbekistan.

The development of the ICT in the future is associated with the use of innovative technologies and depends largely on the scale of application of promising constituent elements. The components of optical communication are the elements of photonics and optoelectronics.  Modern elements of electronics and photonics are already being used to raise optical communication to a new high level. Training of engineers in this field lags behind advances in the practical field. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce an educational program in this field. The organization of a new master`s program "Photonics and Optical Communication" will help to improve the training of the engineering staff in industry and ICT sector.

There are several reasons why the study of photonics and optical communications, despite its importance, is not developed in Uzbekistan’s technical universities:

- There is a lack of teachers and professors of photonics and optical communications with appropriate qualifications.

- There are no properly equipped teaching laboratories in photonics and optical communications.

- There is a lack of well-developed and suitable teaching aids, materials and literature on photonics and optical communications in the Uzbek language for those interested in studying it.

Thus, the main goal of this project is to train a new generation of engineers capable of performing engineering work and solving modern technological problems.

Within the framework of this project, master`s programs in photonics and optical communication will be developed and implemented in 4 Uzbekistan universities for the first time. Additionally, capacity building of the partner universities` teachers in the considered fields will be developed, the cooperation of universities with industry will be improved, including the development of the labor market in the telecommunications industry.


      INMACOM Consortium.

      1.      Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (UZ), Coordinator

      EU Universities:

      2.      University of Ghent (BE)

      3.      Vrije University of Brussels (BE)

      4.      Polytechnic de Torino (IT)

      UZ Universities:

      5.      National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (UZ)

      6.      Samarkand State university (UZ)

      7.      Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (UZ)

      Nonacademic Partners

      8.      Ministry of Higher Education, Sciences and Innovations of Uzbekistan;

      9.      Khorezm branch of «UZTELECOM» Stock Company (UZ);

      10.    MirSolar LLC (UZ)






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