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SSU scientists and students go to Belgium (UZ)

Edition № 3 | Zarafshon (, 14/12/2024

In the issue of the Zarafshan newspaper dated December 24, 2024, Prof. A. Dzhumabaev (SSU) published an article dedicated to the latest events of the INMACOM project. In particular, he gave information about the SCM project held in Brussels. Thanks to the established cooperation within the INMACOM project, VUB and Uzbek partners won the ERASMUS+ KA171 project. In 2025-2026, the partners will be able to organize the mobility of teachers and students within the framework of this project. This allows the partners to develop the achieved results and further deepen their cooperation in the field of photonics and optical communications.


Development of Higher education in the field of optical communications (UZ)

 “Yangi Urganch” newspaper, 06/02/2024

 In the first issue of the Yangi Urgench newspaper for February 2024, an article by Shukurulla Ismailov “Development of training of specialists in the field of optical communications” was published (“Yangi Urganch”, 06.02.2024). The article talks about the creation, for the first time in Uzbekistan, of a master`s program in the field of optical communications in cooperation with European universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ INMACOM project.


INMACOM workshop at the National University of Uzbekistan, January 8-12, 2024 (UZ)

An article about the seminar “Training for teachers of Uzbekistan at the National University of Uzbekistan” was published on the official website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan (;  10.01.2024). The seminar was held within the framework of the INMACOM project, from January 8 to 12, 2023 at the National University of Uzbekistan.


Cooperation is strengthening (UZ)

The latest issue of the Samarkand Khabarchisi newspaper for 2023 published an article by the vice-rector of Samarkand State University Akhmadjon Soleev, “Cooperation is Strengthening” ( The article is devoted to the visit of professors and teachers of universities participating in the INMACOM project to the Polytechnic University of Turin.


A new Master’s program in photonics and optic communications has been lunchned (UZ)

 Edition № 152 (23.873) | Zarafshon (

On December 23, 2023, the newspaper “Zarafshon” published an article by a teacher at Samarkand State University, Zahir Hasanzoda, entitled “A new master’s degree program has been lunched in the specialty of photonics and fiber-optic communications” (Zarafshon (, issue 152). The article is devoted to the orgonising of the master’s program “Photonics and Optical Communications” at Samarkand State University, as well as the visit of professors and teachers of Samarkand State University and partner universities of the INMAQOM project to the Polytechnic University of Turin.


New opportunities of the INMACOM project for SamSU (UZ)

The issue of the Zarafshon newspaper dated May 13, 2023 published an article by Professor of Samarkand State University A. Dzhumaboev “New opportunities of the INMACOM project for SamSU” ( The article is devoted to the implementation of the INMACOM project at Samarkand State University, new opportunities for developing international cooperation with European partners, as well as supporting university students in the field of photonics are noted.